Select Page
Anthony Calabro
Evangelist Barry Webb
Evangelist Paul Rains
Missionary David Cloud
Missionary David Kaufmann
Missionary Tony Evans
Pastor Danny Olmstead
Pastor James West
Pastor Jason Koura
Pastor Kevin Harris
A Meek and Quiet Spirit
Bible Q & A
Book of 1 Peter
Book of 2 Peter
Book of Matthew
Book of Proverbs
Colossians: Making Much of Christ
Fishers of Men
God's Wisdom for Our Mouths
Help from God's Word for Troubled Believers
Is Roman Catholicism Biblical?
Modern Winds of Doctrine
Oh to Be Like Him
Prayer and Fasting
Rapture Expectancy
Safe in the Palm of the Master's Hand
Saved to Grow
Saved to Serve
The Book of 1 John
The Book of Ecclesiastes
The Book of Hebrews
The Book of Leviticus
The childlikeness of the believer
The Church and Israel
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
The Satanic Attack on Sacred Music
Wisdom from Proverbs
World Evangelism Weekend 2021
World Evangelism Weekend 2022
16 ways Satan traps people
4 elements of Biblical fasting
4 events to be ready for
6 warnings about fasting
9 Errors in infant baptism
9 Lessons from Paul's prayer
A vital characteristic of a good friend
A wrong method of soulwinning
Anxiety's cure
Apostate Christianity
Applying God's Word
Are faith and repentance the same?
Are we responsible for people's response to the Gospel
Are you a faithful messenger for Christ?
Are you hot or cold for Christ?
Are you hungry to learn God's Word?
Arguments against evolution by mutations
Attacks on the doctrine of inspiration
Be diligent to grow
Be diligent to witness
Bearing reproaches in meekness
Being clothed with humility
being dependable
Being honest in business dealings
Benefits of prayer
Beware of counterfeit Christians
Biblical examples of meekness
Blessings from right living
blessings of godly living
Boldly proclaiming truth
Brief overview of church history
Can people resist God's grace?
Can we trust our Bible?
Can we use 'cleaned up' CCM songs?
Can women hold leadership offices in the church?
Catholic worship of Mary
Characteristics of a good friend
Characteristics of the Tribulation
Christ corrects abuses of the Sabbath Day
Christ teaches the purpose of the Sabbath Day
Christ walks on the water
Christ's death
Christ's death as our Substitute
Christ's example of prayer
Christ's incarnation
Christ's parable of the unjust judge
Christ's power over demonic forces
Christ's rebuke to the church of Ephesus
Christ's remedy for a lukewarm Christian
Christian virtues
Christians must be soldiers
Church discipline
Church growth methods matter to God
Compassion for lost souls
Compassion for unbelievers
Counting God's blessings to us
Dangerous companions to watch out for
Dangers of entanglement in the world
Dangers of foolishness
Dead religion vs. spiritual reality
Deceitful friends
Demonic possession
Disastrous consequences of pride
Discovering my spiritual gift
Discovering the ministry God designed me for
Do believers still sin after conversion?
Does God care how we worship Him?
Does your life reflect what you believe?
Dying to self in order to serve others
Each person's need to be born again
Elijah's example of prayer
Errors of the Keswick holiness movement
Eternal state of unbelievers
Evaluating ourselves at the end of the year
Events in the Tribulation
Events preceding Christ's Second Coming
Evidence for the Flood in the fossil record
Evolution's ape men hoaxes
Examining our true spiritual condition
Examples of Fasting in the New Testament
Examples of Fasting in the Old Testament
Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones
family roles
father's need for leadership
Five tests of genuine Christians
Four deadly dangers to avoid
Four Heart Responses to the Bible
Four tools God uses to refine His children
Getting God's perspective on Earth's tragedies
Getting ready for the Rapture
Giving and receiving correction in meekness
God is everywhere present
God is our Creator
God pours out His wrath in the Tribulation
God's call of Isaiah
God's call of Moses
God's call of Paul
God's care for His children
God's creation of mankind
God's creation of the world in 6 literal days
God's eternal purpose
God's final destruction of the present world system
God's gracious warnings to sinners
God's love for repentant wanderers
God's plan for Israel's future
God's plan for marriage
God's promise of eternal security
God's solution for depression
God's sovereign control over the circumstances of life
God's sovereignty
God's wisdom in turning evil into good
Godly family relationships
Godly Women in the Bible
Have churches replaced Israel in God's plan?
Having a daily prayer time
Historical characters who fell because of pride
honesty vs. dishonesty
How an attitude of rapture expectancy should affect our lives
How can I run life's race without quitting?
How children's lifestyles affect their parents
How Christians ought to work
How Christians should react to persecution
How church members should respond to the pastor
How could the Lord Jesus endure the suffering of the cross?
How democracy affects people's attitude toward church
How easy it is to be self-deceived
How faith and works are related to salvation
How God feels about righteousness and wickedness
how God shows His care for us
How Jesus responded to mistreatment
How meekness is comfortable
How meekness is profitable
How meekness prepares us for spiritual disciplines
How people should treat animals
How should we respond to God's Fatherhood?
How sorrow can make us better
How the Lord dealt with greed in His house
How the Lord Jesus and the apostles presented the Gospel
How to appear wise
How to be a blessing to people
How to be a virtuous woman
How to be glorious in your older years
How to choose the right marriage partner
How to control your tongue
How to cultivate friendships with unbelievers
how to deal with anxiety
How to deal with conflict
How to determine God's will
How to determine my ministry
How to discern whether a person has true faith
How to discern worldly chords patterns
How to discern worldly rhythms
How to effectively resist our enemy
How to experience daily revival
How to find joy through the trials of life
How to finish life's race well
How to get God's help for broken relationships
How to grow spiritually
How to handle scorners and simple people
How to have joy during trials
How to have my prayers answered
How to have peaceful relationships
How to have your sins forgiven
how to help the fool
How to identify false teachers
How to identify my besetting sins
How to keep your child's heart
How to know if you are godly or ungodly
How to know if you are wise
How to lead a person through a prayer of salvation
How to manage all our God-given responsibilities
How to meditate on God's Word
How to memorise God's Word
How to observe the Lord's Supper
How to plant seeds of truth
How to pray for government leaders
How to pray for missionaries
How to raise godly children
How to react when your faith is ridiculed
How to receive salvation from sin through the Lord Jesus
How to respond to an angry person
How to respond to Biblical instruction
How to respond to flattery
How to respond to reproof
How to respond when God overrules my plans
How to set our affection on the Lord Jesus
How to share what the Bible teaches about Christ
How to share what the Bible teaches about faith
How to share what the Bible teaches about God
How to share what the Bible teaches about man
How to spot a fool
How to study God's Word
How to train your children to be a delight instead of a calamity
How to treat people who are different from us
Importance of God's Word
Importance of submission to authority
Is faith a gift from God?
Is faith a work?
Is music neutral?
Is repentance a work?
Israel's future
Israel's rejection of the Messiah
Jesus Christ as the Living Stone
Jesus' trial before Herod
Jesus' trials before Annas Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin
Jesus' trials before Pilate
Job's right response when God took everything away
John Calvin's persecutions
John the Baptist's boldness and martyrdom
John's vision of the Lord Jesus
Judas's betrayal of the Lord
Judgment Seat of Christ
Judgments of the Tribulation
Leading children to Christ
Learning to listen more than you talk
Learning to thank God for everything
Living by principle
Living for eternal values
Man's creation in God's image
Man's freedom of choice
Marks of false teachers
Mary's extravagant gift for her Saviour
Miraculous signs
Moses' decision to forsake Egypt
Music's power to effect emotions
Our dangerous enemy
Our need for diligence
Our need of diligence
Our need to love God wholeheartedly
Our responsibilities in spiritual growth
Overview of the judgments of Revelation 6-18
Paul's prayer requests
Persistence in prayer
Peter's denial of Jesus
Pleasing God in business dealings
Practical principles for handling finances wisely
Practical ways to grow in meekness
Praying for labourers
pride vs. humility
Problems with the geologic column
Problems with the theory of natural selection
Prominent leaders in musical compromise today
Protecting ourselves from the dangers of the world
Reasons behind depression and despair
Reasons for being meek
Reasons Genesis is true
Reasons to believe in a young earth
Reasons to believe in the Universal Flood
Reasons to believe that Adam and Eve were real people
Rejection of the Lord Jesus in Nazareth
Relationships are more important than possessions
Relationships with unbelieving family
right use of the tongue
Satan's attack on the doctrine of fasting
Satan's fall
Scripture passages encouraging us to meekness
Seeing God's purpose in suffering
Seeing myself realistically
seeking godly counsel
Seven reasons to abstain from alcoholic beverages
Sharing the Gospel despite persecution
Should a church have leaders?
Should Christians judge sin and error?
Should Christians of all denominations join together?
Showing gratitude for God's blessings
Signs of Christ's Second Coming
Sins that keep believers from evangelising
Six listening habits to master
Solomon's successes and failures
Speaking truth in meekness
Spiritual discernment
Spiritual stability
Submission in relationships
Submitting to suffering
Taking the next step of spiritual growth
The antidote to doubt and anxiety
the believer's relationship to his local church
The Bible as the test of truth
The Bible's sufficiency
The Bible's teaching about inspiration
The Bible's teaching about Mary
The Bible's teaching about repentance
The Bible's teaching about the Trinity
The Biblical method of baptism
The birth of the Lord Jesus
The Christian soldier's strategy
The Christian's attitude about sin and error
The Christian's duty to government
The Christian's enemy
The Christian's goal in life
The Christian's need to pursue wisdom
The Christian's need to show evidence of genuine salvation
The Christian's responsibility to share the Gospel
The Christian's three enemies
The Christian's work ethic
The danger of backsliding
The danger of borrowing from the world's music
The danger of distraction from our mission
The danger of feminism
The danger of internet and smart phones
The danger of mothers working outside the home
The danger of rock music
The danger of television
The danger of the public school system
The danger of theological liberalism
The dangers of gossip
The destiny of all who reject salvation
The error of worldy living
The errors of Calvinism
The errors of the Catholic mass
The errors of the Catholic priesthood
The errors of theistic evolution
The establishment of Christ's Kingdom
The events of the resurrection morning
The far-reaching effects of our thoughts
The folly of trusting in money
The four horsemen of the apocalypse
The fruit of righteousness and wickedness
The glory of Christ
The high value of Scripture
The history of the theory of evolution
The imminent return of the Lord Jesus
The importance of being committed to truth
The importance of Bible study
The importance of controlling your spirit
The importance of establishing a daily time with God
The importance of faithfulness
The importance of godly families
The importance of guarding the heart
The importance of honesty
The importance of leading children spiritually
the importance of listening to instruction
The importance of meekness
The importance of preaching repentance
The importance of the local church
The importance of trust in prayer
The importance of trusting in Jesus' blood for salvation
The importance of trusting the book of Genesis
The importance of vigilant child training
The job description of a pastor
The key to victory over sin
The key to victory over temptation
The last words of Christ on the cross
The life testimony of Evangelist Harry Ironside
The Lord is a Refuge
The Lord Jesus alleviates John the Baptist's doubts
The Lord Jesus answers critics
The Lord Jesus saves the thief on the cross
The Lord Jesus' judgment of the nations
The Lord Jesus' miracles
The Lord Jesus' prayer in the garden
The Lord Jesus' suffering for us
The Lord Jesus' teaching about divorce
The Lord Jesus' teaching about Replacement Theology
The Lord Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
The mission Christ left us to do
The nation of Israel's future
The need for labourers
The offer of wisdom versus the offer of foolishness
The Pharisees' fear of man
The Pharisees' hypocrisy
The place of churches in God's plan
The priesthood of each believer
the proper and improper use of gifts
The purpose of Bible prophecy
The purpose of the book of Revelation
The Rapture
The reason for depression and despair
The respect that wisdom earns
The role of women in the church
the scorner
The seriousness of sin
The sin of leading someone into sin
The sinfulness of despising another believer
The slippery slope of compromise
The solution to mankind's greatest problem
The soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ
The spiritual stability that comes through knowing the Lord Jesus
The spiritual wardrobe of the believer
The suffering of the Lord Jesus
The task the Lord Jesus left believers to do
The treasure of God's Word
The true doctrine of the Lord's Supper
The value of children in Jesus' eyes
The value of correction
The value of relationships over things
The value of truth
the value of wisdom over all other treasures
The virtue of contentment
The virtue of diligence
The virtue of generosity
The virtue of humility
The virtue of patience
The virtue of self-control
The virtue of teachability
The way to restore fellowship with God
The wisdom of God
Three things God glorifies
Time management principles
Times when fasting is necessary
To what does God call people?
Trusting God based on our knowledge of His character
Using abilities and talents in God's service
using our tongues to help others
Using your life experiences to help others
walking in the flesh
walking in the Spirit
Ways Satan distracts us
Ways the Devil traps Christians
Ways to protect ourselves against error
What are Christians ordained to?
What causes strife
What Christ taught about the church
What direction is your life headed?
What does spiritual maturity look like?
What God expects of Christian employees
What God thinks of gambling
What God thinks of pride
What God thinks of religious hypocrites
What is a leader's responsibilities?
What is a quiet spirit?
What is a true Pharisee?
What is assurance of salvation based on?
What is Biblical fasting?
What is Christian unity?
What is faith?
What is God's eternal purpose for all creation?
What is mankind's basic problem?
What is meekness?
What is ministry?
What is more valuable than money?
What is predestination?
What is sanctification?
What is the church's responsibility to its leaders?
What is the purpose of my spiritual gift?
What is true Biblical love?
What is true legalism?
What Jesus thinks about fake Christians
What kind of music pleases God?
What kind of treasures we should seek
What kind of worship God accepts
What qualities should church leaders have?
What the Bible says about diets
What the Bible says about election
What the Bible says about emotions
What the Bible says about foreknowledge
What the Bible says about man's nature
What the Bible says about modern psychology
What the Bible says about tithing
What the Bible teaches about the Sabbath
What the risen Lord Jesus looks like
What to do with overwhelming problems
What to expect of your planting efforts
What will the believer's Heavenly home be like?
What wise people talk about
When faith is tested
When we die do we go straight to the Lord or sleep until called?
Where does Christ's return fit in the timeline of future events?
Which Christians have spiritual gifts?
Which church is the original church that Jesus started?
Who can be baptised
Who can observe the Lord's Supper
Who does God call to be saved?
Who is excluded from Heaven?
Who is to do the work of the ministry?
Why believers show little commitment
Why can believers be content?
Why Christ's resurrection is important
Why Christians meet on Sunday
Why Christians should be members of a church
Why do children cause their parents sorrow?
Why does God call people to be saved?
Why fast?
Why God sends affliction
Why human life is valuable to God
Why is fasting necessary?
Why is meekness praiseworthy?
Why it was important for the Lord Jesus to become a man
Why life seems so pointless
Why live holy?
Why ministry should be important to me
Why people work
Why Peter denied his Lord
Why shouldn't believers quit praying?
Why the Lord Jesus came to earth
Why we know that Hell is eternal
Why we should be faithful gospel witnesses
Wise Friendships
Wise parenting
World Evangelism
Yom Kippur
1 Kings
1 Peter
1 Thessalonians
2 Corinthians
I Corinthians
1 John
2 Chronicles
1 Timothy
1 Samuel
2 Timothy
1 Corinthians
2 Peter
2 Kings
2 Samuel
2 Thessalonians
Service Type
Christmas Day Service
Evangelistic Meetings
Fathers' Day Service
Good Friday Service
Graduation service
Sunday Evening
Sunday Morning
Wednesday Evening
World Evangelism Weekend
The Book of Leviticus
Stay Clean pt.3
27 October 2024