Illawarra Community Baptist Church

Bible-believing church in Dapto, Illawarra

Service Times

Sunday Morning

10 am  Bible Q & A

10 am  Children’s Sunday School

11 am   Worship Service

Sunday Evening

5 pm   Worship Service


7 pm    Bible study & Prayer Meeting

22 Bong Bong Rd, Dapto NSW

Welcome to ICBC

Greetings! If you are new to the Illawarra region or simply looking for a church to worship our true Lord and Savior, you are on the right page.

God’s Word – Our Foundation

We’re an independent Baptist Church, free of any denomination. We believe every word of the Bible was given by God.

The Lord tells us what is right and wrong in the pages of the Bible. We all will stand before Him when we die. Since all of us are condemned by our sins against the Lord, our greatest need is to be saved from the penalty of those sins. That penalty is hell. This is where the sinless Lord Jesus comes in. He is God in a human body. Only His pure blood shed on a cross could remove the wrath of the Lord against us. In amazing love, He died on our behalf. Three days later, He rose from the dead! We proclaim the good news of everlasting life, available exclusively through the Lord Jesus Christ.

To learn more about us, we invite you to attend one of our services. Our services feature many time-honored hymns of the faith with an emphasis on preaching the Bible. You’ll leave understanding what the verse(s) mean and how the Lord wants you to put them in use in your life.

Looking for spiritual encouragement and teaching between services? Subscribe to Pastor Harris’s devotional website to receive weekly emails with devotional thoughts and church memory verse reminders.

Is evolution really science? Or is the Biblical account of a literal, six-day creation by an Intelligent Designer a more credible faith? Watch Pastor Harris’s series Evolution Is Not Science on his website dedicated to answering these crucial questions.

At ICBC, we enjoy singing songs that exalt the Lord Jesus Christ in both the lyrics and musical styles. To listen to recordings of some of our favourite hymns, visit our music website and subscribe to receive email notifications when new recordings are uploaded.

The preaching times are a key focus of each service here at ICBC as we seek to proclaim the gospel and ground believers in the Word of God. To hear exerpts from the sermons each week, visit our Youtube channel.